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GeoAdaptive has experience in 42 countries across several continents including rapidly growing areas across Latin America, Asia and the Caribbean. We are proud of having an impeccable business record of successful projects over the past years. 

Map Proj

We have worked with agencies, initiatives, organizations, and governments, at a local, state, national and multinational level, providing tools that improve the decision-making process in cities and regions

2020-2050 Spatial Economic Strategy for Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Towards an Inclusive and Decarbonized Economy

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Long-term Climate Adaptation in the Marshall Islands

Marshall Islands

Understanding the Pacific atoll nation's adaptation pathways to build resilience to sea level rise and climate change

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Managing Sea Level Rise in Florida

Florida USA

Visualizing adaptation pathways to sustain coastal ecosystems in the face of rising waters and growing cities

Smart Villages for Azerbaijan


When big data meets spatial approach - From Smart Village diagnostics to solutions

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¿Qué está en juego?

Costa Rica

Información sobre amenazas climáticas y sus impactos en Costa Rica

Where are areas with high density conflict in Haiti?


Limited access to security provision in unsafe areas

Resilient Lands and Waters Initiative (RLWI)

Florida USA

Partners to conserve and restore important lands and waters and make them more resilient to a changing climate.

Multi-hazard, exposure assessment for the Turin Adaptation Strategy

Turin Italy

Partners to conserve and restore important lands and waters and make them more resilient to a changing climate.

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